Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Whoa .... earthquake!

Here's the dilemma: it's almost an hour after the mini-earthquake, and I still haven't quite gotten back to work.  I think it's because part of me is still freaking out that I'm working from home by myself and had no idea what that was.  It sort of makes me want to work in an office.  Sort of.  In an office, other people can assure you that you're not crazy when something like an earthquake happens.  Luckily for me, all the social networking outlets (MSN, Facebook, Twitter) did that virtually for me.  And boy am I kind of glad I know that it was an earthquake, otherwise I'd be shaking my fists at the neighbours and at places where I thought there were poltergeists.

While there are cons of working at home, such as ... 
1) regular interaction with people is usually limited to persons who are 2-dimensional and scripted and/or reading from teleprompters
2) you could die by yourself and nobody will find you until 10 hours later
3)  you don't leave the house for days at a time if you don't go running or something, or you know, have kids
... the pros are as follows:

- nobody knows how often you really go to the bathroom (people in one writers' room must know I have a small bladder by now because I was drinking all this water before the wedding to lose weight)

- nobody knows how much you really snack (although I think I also may have given myself away at the last two writers' rooms)

- there is no getting stuck in subway crises, traffic, or having to smell people on public transit every day

- you save a bundle on laundry because you don't sweat into normal clothing unless you wear workout clothing and go straight to working out at the end of your day

- you choose your own hours ... for the most part

- the likelihood of your house getting robbed is significantly lower because you can call 911 while wielding a bat and staring down a robber as s/he is in the process of breaking and entering

- you can take a nap when you feel like it (I always like saying this one because I identify with preschoolers.  Yeah ... naps make the world go round.)

- you can like people a whole lot more when you don't see them every day because certain people have gross habits like flossing their teeth in front of you, leaving you souvenirs (both tangible and intangible) in the unisex bathroom, slurping coffee and chewing gum really loudly

Oh hey, I don't have it so bad.  And if nobody found me until 10 hours later ... well, you just chalk that up to fate.

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