Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Things I'm Looking For

  1. A potter for my basil plant that looks like a giant coffee cup.  Plain white, no designs, looks sleek and chic for the kitchen.  Not girly.
  2. Splatter guard for pans when I've put in too much oil.
  3. Fly swatters.
  4. Cool-looking plungers x 3.
  5. A luxury RV that uses rain water to replenish the water supply, runs on solar power, electricity (from braking) and methane.
Today's (June 30 2010) Globe and Mail Social Studies column says this:

Your powerhouse
“The human body may be a biological powerhouse, but how much of its energy do we flush down the toilet – literally?” Duncan Graham-Rowe writes for Wired magazine (British edition). “According to Virginia Gardiner, 32, an engineer at Imperial College London, it makes more sense to recycle our dark matter than dispose of it. To prove her point she has created a flushless toilet designed to harness this energy.” The LooWatt system produces methane, which is burned for electricity. “Your annual deposits could produce enough energy to light a 60-watt bulb for 10 hours,” she says.

So it's only a matter of time before I have an RV that can run on anything but gasoline.

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