Poopity poop poop. My whole thing with launching this website early in the year was so that I’d actually be using the web hosting service for which I pay, instead of letting it sit around for half the month.
So it turns out that my web skills aren’t as retarded as I thought. I started out on a good foot, connecting with the FTP thing, and suddenly this morning, it stopped working. So half an hour later, the tech support guy says that there’s a problem that needs attention from an administrator, and he’ll call me back in 15 minutes or so.
ANYWAY ... my day is going to be consumed with cleaning my house and pre-cooking for a small get-together tomorrow. Please don’t feel offended if we didn’t invite you, it’s only because I can’t cook for more than 8 people at a time, and I’m already pushing it at 9 including the two of us.
Hubby is surprisingly easygoing about the amount of entertaining that we do in this house. Maybe because he knows that every day, his meal is like a practice run for meals that may be repeated for things like potlucks. He likes the variety of food that he gets in this house because our menu is really dictated by whatever is on sale at the local grocery stores. I thrive on my frugality, and will often Twitter (@DebChantson) about how much I spent on dinner ingredients. Last night’s dinner I think was maybe $6 and lasting out until tonight. The sad thing is that this cabbage seems to be lasting forever. It’s like a big leafy green bowling ball in our crisper that doesn’t seem to go away. Hubby has had a break from it for the past two nights, but I think that cabbage has got to resurface or else it’ll go to waste. And even though it was only CDN $1.50, I still loathe throwing away food.
Once you’re a writer, it seems that it’s hard to get out of that writer/freelancer bubble, which is a good thing since that’s what you were striving to be anyway. But then you can’t do normal civilian type temp contracts for “a couple of months” because then that takes away from what you actually do that fulfills you and makes you happy. I’m good at what I do. The problem is that it’s not as frequent as I’d like it to be at the moment. I suppose that is why so many writers pay rent and don’t own their houses.
So that is why you will eventually see Google Ads here. Sorry. But we all have bills to pay.
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